HKMU RemoteApps@Tutor
How to connect eHRMS outside campus via HKMU RemoteApps@Tutor?
- RemoteApps can be accessed by from MS Windows using a Web browser
(e.g. Chrome, Edge or Firefox)
- Enter your tutor/instructor username + @studentdmn (i.e. t000111@studentdmn ) and password (your single password) ,
then click “Sign in” button.

- Click “eHRMS".

- Click on downloaded file on left bottom corner, open it and

- Click “Connect” on prompted window

- Wait connection of RemoteApp to be established.

- It would ask for another logon, please enter your tutor/instructor username with domain (i.e. username@studentdmn ) and password again, then press “OK”.

- Remote Apps is connected now, please login eHRMS by entering your tutor/instructor username without domain (i.e. t000111 ) and password.
